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What the Facebook Boycotts Mean, Really

It’s an awkward time for The Social Network to be my favorite movie.
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Francis Scialabba

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It’s an awkward time for The Social Network to be my favorite movie: In the past few days, more companies joined the Facebook advertising boycott, including big names such as PepsiCo and Denny’s. Starbucks and Coca-Cola aren’t joining in the official boycott, but they did pause all social media advertising for at least the next month.

Some context: This might seem like a life-changing, industry-shaping, BFD—but Facebook will most likely end up just fine. For instance, YouTube has kept growing its ad revenue in the wake of its own major ad boycott in 2017, dubbed the “Adpocalypse.”

And despite a call from civil rights leaders to “Stop Hate For Profit,” many brands can’t seem to hack a 100% Facebook detox:

  • Some companies, such as Unilever, are only pausing U.S. Facebook advertising, even though organizers are calling for a global campaign.
  • And others, such as DTC beauty brand Birchbox, will still post organically to both Facebook and Instagram despite removing paid advertising.
  • The Facebook Audience Network, Facebook’s powerful ad system for external mobile apps such as Tinder and TikTok, might be untouched by boycotts.
  • Plus, only 6% of Facebook’s 2019 ad rev came from its top 100 biggest advertisers. So without a mass movement among SMBs, FB’s bottom line will likely come out unscathed.

That's not to say the boycotts will have no effect at all—they just won’t give the platform a complete makeover. Case-in-point: Facebook added new hate speech and voter suppression guidelines on Friday, but boycott organizers quickly dismissed these changes as inadequate.

More bang for boycott bucks

Cutting Facebook spending gives brands the opportunity to funnel freed-up dollars into anti-racist change. For instance, ad rev for news publishers was already hard to come by when COVID hit, and recent keyword blocking around the Black Lives Matter protests has made the financial picture even worse. Allocating former Facebook spend to publishers could fund essential reporting around systemic racism and a long cartoon scroll of other issues brands say they support.

Bottom line: These boycotts represent brands backing up their talk with $$$. And while they’re unlikely to reshape Facebook, these boycott dollars do have the potential to help revitalize a struggling news publishing ecosystem.

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